A deep dive into the AI Chatbot that can talk about anything.

We aren’t strangers to bots on the internet. Your banking app has a chatbot that can answer basic queries about your account. Your favourite food delivery app probably sends you a message every time asking whether you liked the food you ordered. Not because the delivery app is a nice person but because a chatbot was programmed to ask you for your feedback. In both instances, one can tell they’re talking to a chatbot. Chatbots have always been able to answer only a limited range of questions while sounding very obviously like chatbots. However, all that changed last week when the Elon Musk-funded AI Research Lab, OpenAI unveiled ChatGPT. 

What is ChatGPT?

ChatGPT is an AI-powered Chatbot developed by OpenAI that is capable of generating human-like responses to a wide range of prompts. Unlike traditional chatbots, which are often designed to perform specific tasks or provide specific information, ChatGPT is a more general-purpose tool that is able to carry on a conversation on a wide range of topics.

One of the key features of ChatGPT is its ability to generate responses that are both natural and coherent. This is thanks to its use of a state-of-the-art language model called the Generative Pre-trained transformer or GPT-3 for short, which allows it to understand the context of a conversation and generate responses that are relevant and appropriate. ChatGPT is also able to learn and adapt over time. By continuing to be exposed to new text data, the chatbot can improve its performance and become even more conversational and accurate. This makes ChatGPT a valuable tool for natural language processing and conversational technology.

Why has it taken the internet by storm?

People online got the AI-based chatbot to write essays, film scripts and even give hot takes on politics. What has caught everyone’s attention is how indistinguishable ChatGPT’s responses are from that of a normal human being. 

The practical applications for a chatbot like ChatGPT can be endless. In its current form, it can do mathematical equations, translate texts, fix errors in your code and give elaborate answers to any question you throw at it. Some have compared ChatGPT to the biggest search engine, Google for its near-limitless potential while some have humorously compared it to the rogue AI, Skynet from Terminator.

How do I use ChatGPT?

The chatbot can be accessed at https://chat.openai.com/ and requires you to sign up by creating an OpenAI account. Once signed up you can start asking questions. 

How does the future look for OpenAI’s chatbot?

The CEO of OpenAI, Sam Altman says that they’re already working on the next iteration of ChatGPT which will be unveiled next year. Set to be much more advanced than its already advanced predecessor. Are the robots set to take over the world then? Only time will tell.

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